Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wee Flowers

I finally remembered to take a camera (well, a phone) on our near-nightly walk around the loop with the Beastie Grrrlz, so now I can share some of the little wild flowers we see along the road and in the forest.  Some are familiar, some are not and I don't know if any are native or invasive, either.  I apologize for the photo quality, but all is in shadow at that time of evening and there is a surprising amount of wind in the 1-6" off the ground layer.

I saw these for the first time just before we got back to our part of the road this evening, but then saw two more right by the driveway.

And this little yellow number I didn't notice until I went back outside to find the ones in the next shot again.

The blooms on these are just a couple millimeters long.

I'm pretty sure I've seen these all over suburban Washington County, Oregon.

These little lavender lovelies look familiar, too.

When Eric was reading up on the buttercups, he thinks he saw that these are related.


  1. The little purple ones may be vinca, mine are blooming now, too.


  2. Ooo. The top purple one or the penultimate purple one?

  3. Such delicate little pretties! I think the one with purple & yellow ones might be related to the Columbine family. The bright yellow one near the top might be yarrow. My favorite ones are the blueish/purple ones in the 4th photo, so pretty!


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