Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bedroom Bits: The Stragglers I

I finally got the "candle socket covers" covered and reinstalled!  Yey for handmade papers!

Chandelier_makeover socket_covers

Oh, the glamor!  Oh, the glimmer!  Oh, boy does it ever look like an old western whorehouse chandelier!

Did you miss the BIG BEDROOM POST?  It's too purple-y to miss.


  1. You made those papers! You are one arse kicking craftress!

    1. Oh! No, I didn't make the paper! I bought it at a shop in Missoula called Rockin Rudy's which I guess is a local landmark.

  2. I love it! it adds just the right sparkley finishing touch. And paper! Who knew. It looks great. Are you saying there's something wrong with an Old Western Whore House look ;)

    1. I'm not saying that at all. Ours is definitely from one of the big, classy whore houses like something in San Francisco or St. Louis.

  3. Yay for old western whorehouses!! Hey, that's a very creative solution to those functional, but drab socket covers. I don't think I would have ever even considered that, you're so creative!

    1. Aw, thanks, babycakes! I saw some printed with patterns when I was shopping for new ones and thought I would try to find paper or fabric to cover mine with before I bought some. The printed ones weren't the right style for us, but I figured I could go with the kind that look like drippy candles if I didn't find something that would work.


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