Friday, December 26, 2014

A White Christmas After All!

It was really starting to look like we'd have a brown and grey Christmas.  The weather has been really Portland-esque here in the Bitterroot lately. And while that doesn't get me down viscerally, it bums me out on the surface, because I didn't move to Montana to NOT have a white Christmas, ya' know?  BUT. Guess what we woke up to on Christmas morning... SNOW!  Yes indeed, we got our white Christmas, after all.

SNOW! And Delia enjoying one of the Beastie Grrrlz' new Christmas toys, an Unbreakaball!

A "view" of the valley through our trees and behind a piece of firewood abandoned on a chopping stump in autumn. Life interrupts chores sometimes.

Our ornament wreath and the northbound road.  That snowy hump? That's a tarped pile of gravel at the bottom of the driveway.  It's there in case we need extra traction. It's certainly not the most attractive landscape feature, but it's definitely one of the most useful.

I know it's perhaps unusual, but I've been pretty excited to see how the snow looks accumulated on the "new" fence.  Here's a taste of that!  This is where it runs behind and through the lilac bushes.

We did a Christmas Day hike into the National Forest.  Here's a view from nearby the property.

The squirrels have a highway in the forest and we crossed it!

I love "our" forest which is mostly Ponderosa Pine, but I admit to getting a special nostalgia-based thrill when we come upon a little stand of Douglas Fir.  If you look closely you might spot Eric and Betty camouflaged in this photo.

We surely missed our family and friends, but we had a really nice day.  The four of us were visited by Santa (!), we exchanged gifts with each other, we ate yummy snacks, we walked in the forest and had fetching with the Beastie Grrrlz, we all got naps, and we ate a delicious Hungarian mushroom and wild rice soup that Eric made followed by apple pie and fresh whipped cream.  It snowed more around dusk, there was some hot tub time, and some lovely wine from Matello, too.

Life is sweet.


  1. YEAH! You got snow! I know what you mean by being a bit bummed out about not getting snow. It was downright warm in Portland, like everyone but me didn't need a coat! Crazy! It's not suppose to be spring like weather at Christmas.
    A walk in the woods among the snow sounds like a wonderful way to spend Christmas.

    1. And more snow today! More coming according to the forecast, too. WOO!

  2. YAY!! I'm so glad you got a white Christmas!! We were forecasted to get snow on Xmas eve and Xmas morning, alas... rain. But you know what, we had a working water heater by 6pm on Xmas eve, and that was miracle enough for me. Hot water is fucking awesome.

  3. Hooray, you guys got snow in time for Christmas, too! Us, too...actually, it's snowing right now, still. Don't mind, though- with a 4 1/2 day weekend coming up, kids home from school, and a full larder, this is GREAT!

    Happy New Year to you & yours! :)

    1. YEY SNOW! We got more in the few days following Christmas totally about 8"! We've a plowed road and a plowed driveway so it's ALLLLLLL good.


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