Monday, August 24, 2015

Odds & Ends: Summer 2015

Seems like the bigger summer projects have only started coming to fruition as the summer is winding up. ACK!  

The woodshed project is finally getting going with the footings dug and poured in mid-August (dug by an awesome local renaissance handyman we met through a neighbor and poured by yours truly) and the framing package delivered last Thursday. With the help of a fore mentioned renaissance handyman and the loan of a compound miter saw (our NEW SAW is coming next Thursday), I got started last Friday. YAHOO!

The majestic Bitterroot Range is in that. Also our house.

We have now experienced our worst smoke days since living here. From what I can tell the whole world smells like a campfire. That's a whole lot less charming than the scent of sitting around an actual campfire, especially since we can't just scoot to the other side of the fire to get out of the smoke. The smoke is EVERYWHERE. We can feel it in our throats, noses, eyes and so forth. 

And we're just a couple-few weeks from receiving the cabinets for our long-awaited, much-anticipated, highly-coveted kitchen island! ACK II!  I have been experimenting with finishes and at this point am pretty committed to also refinishing all the existing kitchen cabinets. New hardware has been purchased and most of it received; our butcher block counter is waiting for a quick sanding and mineral oil treatment. Yahoo!


  1. Ugh, so you've got it as bad (or possibly worse) than we do. The Boise foothills have been "missing" for nigh unto 3 weeks now. It's nasty. On the plus side, good on you, for getting closer to completion of your projects! Some of ours are on the back burner until further notice, thanks to the crap air quality....

    1. Three weeks? Sounds like you have it worse or at least for longer. Ugh. Good luck and stay healthy!


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