Friday, July 1, 2016

This & That Projects; Out of Doors, Y'all: 2

Last year I took down the old, sagging clotheslines and painted the posts. This year we had Renaissance Handyman Nick drill holes so we could use eye bolts for the new lines instead of wrapping them around which I waited too long to schedule, so it just happened last week.

Our underpants have a pretty decent few of the National Forest while they dry.

Then I couldn't get enough 1/4" x 3" eye bolts to do the trick even after shopping 3 different stores, but I finally got all the hardware together and have my clothesline back!

Don't be fooled by this paltry display, I can fill all nearly 100' of line and not infrequently.

Annnnnd, I finally made a clothespin holder. I started looking for ideas and patterns before we even actually moved, so... this is FOUR YEARS in the making. Yeah. At least I had all the materials on hand and finally got to use this fun "flour" sack I picked up at a thrift store for a few cents something like a decade ago.

I decided to go apron style instead of the hanging-bag style and I think it was the right choice for me.

The link on this pin is dead, but the image has measurements so I was able to make a pattern and wing it on assembly.

Fire season has started, but we're not smoky here yet, so here's hoping we'll get some loads done before the break for smoke season. Or better yet, let's all hope for a quiet fire season this year for everyone for reasons much more important than drying laundry on the line.


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