Saturday, March 23, 2013

Or You Could Just Buy It

LizzyEU over on has sent me a link to a product that is essentially the same idea as my Contact Paper fridge redo!  It's only $84.95 +shipping, too! 

For your $85.00 you do get to select self-adhesive vinyl or magnetized vinyl!

Perhaps this one is better than my humble $4 DIY version, but it is not 21 times better.  [wink]

Any maker with much experience can tell you that handmade and less expensive is not infrequently BETTER than store-bought or mass-produced.


  1. Yours looks so much better than the more expensive one. Your's covers the whole fridge where as the more expensive one you can still see the white from the fridge. I'd take your version over the expensive one anyday.

    1. Thank you! I agree with what you have said and you are the only person other than E who reads who has seen it in person!

  2. Feh. Theirs isn't better. And *definitely* not 21x better.

    - Heather R., The Real Leopardstripes

    1. Thank you and right? I can't imagine in what universe that is $84 worth of refrigerator disguise.


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